
know about BHUTAN
Breathtaking Bliss
Bhutan, a small mountainous state with Thimphu as its capital, is located in the Himalayan range and is enclosed between two important Asian civilizations, Tibet to the north and the Indian states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and West Bengal to the east. west and south. This state, called “Bhutan” by the outside world, is historically known by various names (Southern Land of Darkness, Southern Land of Cypress or Southern Land of Four Gateways), but the people call themselves Drukpas and call their homeland Druk Yul, which means “Land of the Dragon” or Druk Tsendhen, “Land of the Thunder Dragon”.
In Bhutan, the only country to profess the form of Buddhism called Mahayana as its official religion, Buddhism has played a fundamental role in the history and development of social structures; it still plays an important role both for the great weight of the clergy within society and for the importance assigned to religious values also in political action. In some limited parts of the country, moreover, Bon Buddhism, animism, shamanism and, in the southern territories, Hinduism are professed. Bhutan is an extraordinary place, which will enchant visitors: having remained almost completely immune to the passage of time, it offers tourists a pristine environment, majestic landscapes and architecture, hospitable and charming people and a culture that is unique in its purity. within society and for the importance assigned to religious values also in political action. In some limited parts of the country, moreover, Bon Buddhism, animism, shamanism and, in the southern territories, Hinduism are professed. Bhutan is an extraordinary place, which will enchant visitors: having remained almost completely immune to the passage of time, it offers tourists a pristine environment, majestic landscapes and architecture, hospitable and charming people and a culture that is unique in its purity. within society and for the importance assigned to religious values also in political action. In some limited parts of the country, moreover, Bon Buddhism, animism, shamanism and, in the southern territories, Hinduism are professed. Bhutan is an extraordinary place, which will enchant visitors: having remained almost completely immune to the passage of time, it offers tourists a pristine environment, majestic landscapes and architecture, hospitable and charming people and a culture that is unique in its purity.