An itinerary in the footsteps of Siddharta Gautama, to visit the places linked to the spiritual and religious experience that led him to become Sakyamuni, or “the Sage of the lineage of Sakya”, the historical Buddha of the current cosmic cycle. Starting from Delhi, we will gradually reach the places of awakening, of nirvana, but also Lumbini, where Siddartha was born 566 years before Christ, and Sarnath, not far from Varanasi, where the Buddha gave his first sermon. The journey requires an excellent spirit of adaptation for the long journeys on roads that are not always in excellent condition and for the intensity of the visits.

1st-day ITALY – DELHI 

Departure with a scheduled flight to Delhi.

Day 2 DELHI    

Arrival in Delhi, handling of entry and customs formalities. Meeting with the local guide and transfer to the hotel (rooms available from 12.00). The first settlement in the Delhi area dates back to the 9th century, with the mythical city of Indraprashtra, capital of the Pandavas, the Hindu heroes whose deeds are found in the epic poem of the Mahabharata. A period of feudalism followed with the rule of the Rajaputs, Muslim warrior aristocrats. Over the centuries seven cities were built which suffered several raids from the surrounding territories. Starting in 1526 Humayun and his able successors extended the empire beyond the borders of Delhi, giving rise to an attempt to reunify the country. The eighth city was built when Emperor Shah Jahan moved his capital from Agra to Delhi. The construction of the main monuments of the city dates back to this period. With the arrival of the British Calcutta was chosen as the capital and only in 1911 the capital was brought back to Delhi. On February 9, 1931, the British Viceroy inaugurated New Delhi to a design by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker. The new city included the government buildings, the building housing the National Museum, two churches and most of the residences that are part of the representative area. In 1947 Delhi became the capital of independent India. In the afternoon visit to the new city: the central districts where the government buildings are located On February 9, 1931, the British Viceroy inaugurated New Delhi to a design by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker. The new city included the government buildings, the building housing the National Museum, two churches and most of the residences that are part of the representative area. In 1947 Delhi became the capital of independent India. In the afternoon visit to the new city: the central districts where the government buildings are located On February 9, 1931, the British Viceroy inaugurated New Delhi to a design by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker. The new city included the government buildings, the building housing the National Museum, two churches and most of the residences that are part of the representative area. In 1947 Delhi became the capital of independent India. In the afternoon visit to the new city: the central districts where the government buildings are locatedthe India Gate , an arch erected in memory of the First World War, the Parliament Building  the Qutb Minar , one of the tallest stone towers in India, a symbol of Delhi, it was begun in 1199 by Qutab ud-din and carried forwarded by his successors If time permits visit a Sikh temple. Overnight at the hotel.

Day -3 : DELHI – AGRA

Breakfast. Departure by car for Agra (km. 204; about 5 hours), the oldest part of which still retains its medieval appearance at times with narrow, crowded streets flanked by numerous picturesque little shops. The low one-story houses of whitewashed bricks constitute the essential housing fabric. Founded in 1501, it experienced its period of maximum development and splendor under the emperor Akbar and his successors who embellished it with mausoleums, forts and mosques. The city stands on the right bank of the Yamuna River, in the center is the Red Fort, the Taj Mahal to the southeast, the old city to the north and the more modern portion of the city to the southwest. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel and accommodation in the reserved rooms. In the afternoon visit the most famous monument of India, the  Taj Mahal (closed on Fridays), one of the seven wonders of the world that stands in the middle of a lush garden. Its beauty transcends all description. Built by the Mughal Emperor Shahjehan in 1631 in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died while giving birth to her 14th child after 17 years of marriage. To erect the monument, precious stones of all kinds, pearls, corals were collected and 20.00 of the best craftsmen were called from all over the kingdom, who took 22 years to complete this masterpiece. At the end return to the hotel: Overnight.


Breakfast. We recommend leaving rather early in the morning. The first stop will be  Sankisa  (km. 190; about 4 hours), a small village in the state of Uttar Pradesh, already known in ancient times so much so that the Chinese traveler Huen Tsang mentioned it in his travel diary, describing it as a particularly quiet place and pleasant to visit. Numerous remains have come to light from archaeological excavations, but Sankisa remains linked to the legend according to which Buddha arrives here together with Brahma and the god Indra. After the visit proceed to  Lucknow (km 200; about 5 hours), capital of the State of Uttar Pradesh, founded towards the end of the 13th century by feudal lords of the Sultan of Delhi, a city full of interesting monuments, including La Residenza, from the 1800s, a large villa where lived the English Resident, La Martiniere, which owes its name to the owner, the French general Claude Martin, who after serving in the India Company, passed in 1776 into the service of the Nabobs of Oudh, the Nadan Mahal Mausoleum, built by Akbar in 1600 in memory of Sheikh Abdul Rahim Khan. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel and accommodation in the reserved rooms. Overnight.


Breakfast. In the morning departure for  Sravasti  (km. 175; about 5 hours), former capital of the Kingdom of Kosala at the time of the Buddha and locality mentioned in the epic poem Mahabharata. It is believed that Buddha resided here for 25 monsoon rainy seasons and there are many ruins that can be visited, including a stupa erected on the site where Buddha performed several miracles. At the end of the visits, transfer to the hotel: Overnight
 6th-day:  SRAVASTI – LUMBINI – KUSHINAGAR  Breakfast. A long journey that will also lead to Nepal, to then return to India and continue the itinerary: a total of 360 km will be covered. in about 10 hours of travel. Departure in the morning for Lumbini , whose name means “the enchanting”: after the “long” procedures for obtaining an entry visa, you enter Nepalese territory, in the Terai plain up to 20 km from the border with India. Since 1997 Lumbini has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a ” unique place and exceptional testimony of a cultural tradition and an extraordinary architecture illustrating significant stages in the history of humanity”. Here in the 6th century BC Queen Maya gave birth to Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in Lumbini until he was 29 years old. For Buddhists Lumbini is one of the four main pilgrimage destinations, full of numerous temples including the one dedicated to Queen Maya. At the end of the visits we return to India to continue the journey to Kushinagar, another important pilgrimage destination. Upon arrival, accommodation in reserved rooms: Overnight.

Day 7 KUSHINAGAR Breakfast. A whole day was dedicated to the visit of  Kushinagar, a quiet village, where the Buddha reached the end of his last journey at the age of 80: here he finally reaches Mahaparinirvana, freeing himself from the eternal cycle of reincarnation and leaving his great teachings to posterity . The  Muktabandhana Stupa , built by the Malla dynasty, commemorates his cremation site and preserves his relics. Overnight at the hotel.


Breakfast. Departure in the morning for Patna (km. 275; about 8 hours). Along the way, stop to visit the Kesariya Stupa, 37 meters high, which represents a rare example of Buddhist architecture, which can be compared to the more famous Borobodur, located in Java (Indonesia). Continuation to  Vaishali,  one of the places where Buddha lived most frequently and where he gave his last sermon, announcing that he would soon leave the earthly world. To commemorate this event, Emperor Ashoka erected the famous  Lion Pillar here, a finely carved pillar, carved from a single block of red sandstone and about 18 meters high. About one hundred years after the Buddha’s physical death, the second Buddhist council was held in Vaishali and since then Vaishali is still today an important pilgrimage destination. At the end of the visits continuation to Patna (km. 60, about 2 hours) and transfer to the hotel. Accommodation in reserved rooms: Overnight.


Breakfast. Today we will cover a total of 210 km. First stop in  Nalanda, the site of an ancient monastic university, built, according to tradition, by the Emperor Ashoka around the stupa which housed the relics of one of Buddha’s main disciples, Sariputra. In addition to the stupa, archaeological excavations have brought to light three temples and ten monasteries. It is believed that the university housed at least 10,000 students and that two hundred teaching courses were held there per day. Then proceed to  Rajgir, where Buddha taught the Prajnaparamita, or Perfection of Wisdom, sutras on the subject of emptiness. Numerous temples and stupas make Rajgir an important Buddhist pilgrimage centre. At the end of the visits continuation to Bodhgaya, which can be reached in about two hours. Overnight at the hotel.

10th-day:  BODHGAYA

Wake up at dawn to go to the  Mahabodhi Stupa, built by Ashoka, next to the sacred tree (a ficus orientale or pipal) under which Buddha received Enlightenment. The stupa is located in the center of a park dotted with other temples, which bear witness to the places where Buddha lived immediately after his enlightenment: we are in the heart of Buddhism. Return to the hotel for breakfast. We then continue with the visit of the numerous places linked to the life of Buddha, who arrived in Bodhgaya after a long walk along the banks of the Niranjana River. Free time for individual activities, before returning to the hotel for an overnight stay. 


After breakfast, departure for  Varanasi  (km. 260; about 6 hours), the easternmost city of Uttar Pradesh, considered the “Holy City” par excellence of India. Varansi owes its name to two tributaries of the Ganges: the Varuna, which flows north, and the tiny Asi, which flows south, between which the historical center of the city extends. Varanasi is the Hindu city par excellence, along its over 100 ghats pilgrims, who come here from all over the country, perform sacred ablutions and cremations. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel and accommodation in the reserved rooms. Late afternoon drive along the Ghats to witness an Aarti Ceremony. Return to the hotel for overnight.

Day 12 VARANASI: excursion to Sarnath

At the first light of dawn,  boa at trip on the Ganges river, to attend the ablutions of the faithful and the awakening of the sacred city. From the boat, you can admire the spectacular Ghats (stairways) that descend to the river and on which the sacred processions take place. We also visit the  Vishwanath Temple in the heart of the old city. Return to the hotel for breakfast. In the afternoon short trip to  Sarnath  (km. 10), the last stop on our journey along the Way of Gautama: where Buddha gave his first sermon. The view of the gigantic stupa, in a large garden dotted with temples and monasteries, which also includes the  Archaeological Museum, is of great impact (closed on Fridays), the first museum established in India, which preserves admirable finds from the Maurya era (2nd century BC). At the end of the visits return to the hotel for the overnight stay.  


Breakfast. In time, transfer to the airport for flight to Delhi. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel and accommodation in the reserved rooms. Time at disposal for individual in-depth visits and for shopping. Overnight at the hotel.

Day -14: DELHI – ITALY

Transfer to the airport and departure with scheduled flights to Italy.

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